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Isavera Classic
The original Isavera fat-freezing system, this wrap secures around your waist to target love handles, lower belly fat, and any other stubborn spots with gentle compression to give your waist that lean, toned look.
Download Classic ManualPrintable Progress LogThe Isavera Classic System includes:
- 1 comfortable, adjustable neoprene stomach wrap
- 3 dual-action gel packs
- Fat caliper to track progress
- Tape measure to track progress
- Massage tool
Isavera ArmSculptor
The Isavera ArmSculptor 'fat freezing' sleeves are designed to be an effective solution to help lessen the appearance of stubborn arm fat.
Download ArmSculptor ManualPrintable Progress LogThe Isavera ArmSculptor System includes:
- 2 comfortable, adjustable neoprene arm wraps
- 8 dual-action gel packs
- Fat caliper to track progress
- Tape measure to track progress
- Massage tool
Isavera LegSculptor
Using the power of chilly temperatures and secure compression, the Isavera Leg Sculptor targets the softer areas of your legs as well as stubborn cellulite to give you a lean, toned look.
Download LegSculptor ManualPrintable Progress LogThe Isavera LegSculptor System includes:
- 2 comfortable, adjustable neoprene leg wraps
- 6 dual-action gel packs
- Fat caliper to track progress
- Tape measure to track progress
- Massage tool
Isavera ChestSculptor
Our fitted ChestSculptor boasts multiple ice packs to give you full cooling around your chest.
Download ChestSculptor ManualPrint Progress LogThe Isavera ChestSculptor System includes:
- 1 adjustable chest vest (one size fits all)
- 2 custom gel packs
- Fat caliper to track progress
- Tape measure to track progress
- Massage tool
Frequently Asked Questions
Need help? Please kindly make sure you read our FAQ before contacting us. We’ve tried to answer every question we’ve had. If you need any further support, you can contact us. We’re always here to make your experience better and answer any questions you may have.
The outermost pocket (furthers from your skin) is designed so you can slowly adapt to the products. We ask that you use this pocket in your first few sessions so your body can adapt. Once adjusted, you can move the gel packs to the innermost pocket where they will be insulated by the plastic piece. This information is explained in each product’s instructions. Please be sure to never expose skin to sustained direct contact with the gel packs.
No. It is best to keep your body temperature as low as possible. Although diet and exercise are highly encouraged for a healthy lifestyle, we recommend minimal movement when wearing our products.
You may experience any of the following side effects: tenderness to the touch after use (to the treated areas), tingling sensations on the treated areas, redness on the treated areas, and numbing sensation from the cold (usually subsides after 10 minutes).These are all temporary and usually resolve within minutes.
Our products are based on the research of a unique fat freezing process that works on almost all body types. Women who are pregnant should avoid using our system, but otherwise anyone who wants to sculpt and tone their body should give Isavera a try. Our ideal candidate, however, is within 20% of their ideal body figure.
The first few minutes can feel a bit cold. Within about ten minutes, however, your body will numb and adapt to the sensation.
Our products are not designed for weight loss. They are based on the research of fat-freezing and thermogenesis. Our products help shape and tone the appearance of areas of your body that are difficult to target with diet and exercise. Some people report significant changes in the appearance of fat, bulges and dimples. However everyone’s experience may vary.
Although you can use the products daily, we do not recommend it. It is recommended that you do it 2-3 times per week with days off in between.
By starting slowly, your body will begin to adapt to this new sculpting process.
Our products will start working as soon as treated area has reached the proper temperature and remained at that temperature for the appropriate amount of time. When you are done using it, the area should be cold to the touch and the skin will likely be pink in color.
Yes. When used as directed there are no severe adverse or long-term side effects. Our gel packs are formulated to reach temperatures that are 11°F above when frostbite may occur, which makes them perfectly safe.
Our products are meant to be worn whenever you have the time. Such flexibility is what enables you to fit the Isavera Fat Freezing products into your busy schedule.
After using our products, we highly recommend a simple massage in a circular (or rolling) motion for 1-2 minutes. Be very gentle. Studies have shown that similar massages can help to break down the damaged fat cells. We highly recommend using a body lotion with the massager. If massager is uncomfortable, massaging with your hands (without massager) can also be effective.
If you purchased our thigh or arm systems, you will use the rolling massager. This massager does not require lotion.
Tightening the wrap may seem foreign at first but it’s very simple. To tighten, simply undo the Velcro with your right hand and pull the outer layer of the wrap to your left. At the same time, use your left hand to pull the inner layer of the wrap to the right. Re-adhere the Velcro.
Do not apply the trainer to the same area twice a day. However, it is totally fine to apply the trainer to different areas of your body. You may need extra gel packs. Please contact us if you need more.
No, we do not recommend this. Please read all safety documentation before use.
The belt was actually designed around a smaller person’s body, but we also designed it so it can fit all body types. Also – once it is on – it is surprisingly less large than you may think. The excess neoprene is actually beneficial towards insulating the treated area.
No. Our caliper is fully functional and does not include a slider. If you do a Google search of ‘bodyfat calipers’, you will find that its a very common caliper design.
We offer a 90 day money back guarantee, as long as you contact us directly. We sell our products on many channels (ie eBay, Amazon) and they are often restricted by a 30-day guarantee. If you have any issues, simply contact us directly. We are willing to refund up to 90-days post-purchase.
The tape measure is designed this way on purpose. This is to account for the width of theplastic mechanism (that contours to your body). The tape is completely accurate.
We do not have data that supports daily use will bring faster success. According to research, when it comes to fat-freezing, you are limited by your bodies capabilities to flush out damaged fat cells. Most people mind that this takes around 10-12 weeks.
We recommend you use our products every other day (roughly 3 times per week).
Daily use may cause an unwanted inflammatory response for some people.
Do not wear multiple products simultaneously. If you wish to use multiple products simultaneously, please consult with a physician before attempting this.
It’s typically the placement in the freezer that causes this issue. Are you perhaps opening the freezer more often? Is it set to 0 degrees? Are they placed away from one another and laying flat? They shouldn’t be stacked or laying directly next to one another. They’re designed to wick heat away so that’s why they can be so finicky. Reach out to us if you’re still having issues, but try new spots in your freezer in the meantime. It will typically solve the issue.
It is impossible for the gel packs to freeze “less” with age. For that to happen, they would have to have an increase in their antifreeze element (propylene glycol).
We have had numerous customers send us their gel packs, insisting that they no longer can freeze them. In 100% of the cases, the gel packs froze completely fine within our freezers.
Gel packs freezing properly depends on where the gel packs are within the freezer (please try to spread them out), how often you’re opening the freezer, and if they are laid flat or not.Please remember the gel packs can wick heat from each other so it is best to have them spread out. Also make sure your freezer is set its coldest possible setting.
We can replace gel packs upon request, but please remember this is rarely a solution.
Yes, absolutely. Our gel packs are formulated to “pull” heat from the body, rather than to cool it. As they’re pulling heat, the gel packs will begin to melt. Simply wear the belt as instructed, this is completely normal.
We recommend 24 hours. This is simply so you can see what they look like when they are fully frozen. The gel packs may freeze quicker than this, but we recommend 24 hours for the first time simply so you can see how they should look when fully frozen. They should turn a lighter color of blue and be fairly solid but also slightly flexible.
Yes. The gel packs are formulated differently than regular gel packs. They have been designed to do three things: reach ideal skin temperatures that have been shown — in scientific studies — to stimulate subcutaneous fat. They’re designed to wick and distribute body heat. And lastly, they’re designed to remain flexible when frozen. They have undergone extensive testing (with a thermocouple) to make sure they reach optimal fat freezing temperatures while avoiding risk of frostbite. In fact, our gel packs are formulated to reach temperatures that are 11°F above when frostbite may occur, which makes them perfectly safe.
Please contact us and we will happily send you a replacement. Small punctures can be easily fixed with packaging tape – however, we will replace anything. Just email us at
Unfortunately, we do not yet have them for sale. We can however look into sending extra gel packs upon request. Simply email us and we will help you out.
When are gel packs are fully frozen, they will be whitish in color and firm (yet slightly flexible). They should look like this.
We recommend freezing the gel packs for at least 24 hours because this helps establish a baseline — it will show you what the gel packs will look like at their maximum freezing potential. They should turn white and be slightly flexible.
We recommend freezing the gel packs at 0° F for 24 – 48 hours. You will then see what they look like fully frozen.
Because every freezer is different, your objective is to simply get the gel packs to appear as they did after a solid freezing. They will be blue with a whitish appearance, and slightly flexible.
More questions for us?
Reach out to us any time. We’re always here to make your experience better and answer any questions you may have.
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